Localization and Quantification of Concrete Spalling Defects Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Line laser lock-in thermography for instantaneous imaging of cracks in semiconductor chips
Automated detection and quantification of hidden voids in triplex bonding layers using active lock-in thermography
Locating fatigue damage using temporal signal features of nonlinear Lamb waves
Fatigue crack localization using noncontact laser ultrasonics and state space attractors
Noncontact fatigue crack visualization using nonlinear ultrasonic modulation
Baseline-free damage visualization using noncontact laser nonlinear ultrasonics and state space geometrical changes
Magnetic Resonance-Based Wireless Power Transmission through Concrete Structures
Visualization of non-propagating Lamb wave modes for fatigue crack evaluation
A framework for dimensional and surface quality assessment of precast concrete elements using BIM and 3D laser scanning