전체 : 172, 현재 : 5 / 18 페이지
[공지] [NOTICE] Graduate student recruitment
[Keynote presentation] Prof.Sohn provided a Keynote presentation at the 소재부품장비 성과공유회
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as a member of 설계심의분과위원
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as an affiliated faculty of the Kim Jaechul graduate school of AI
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as a member of 도로정책심의위원회
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as a member of 기반시설관리위원회
Lunch with professor
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as a advisory board member of ROKA
[Award] ASME best student paper
[Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as advisory committee member of Seoul Metro
[Keynote presentation] Prof.Sohn provided a Keynote presentation at the 8th WCSCM