전체 : 172, 현재 : 8 / 18 페이지
[공지] [NOTICE] Graduate student recruitment
[Professor appointment] Ph.D. Hyung-Jin Lim
[Outstanding research] Undergraduate Research Participation Program
Prof. Hoon Sohn - commissioned as a member of expert working group in Busan Port Authority
대한토목학회 2020 컨벤션 / 사회기반시설물 드론촬영 경진대회 우수상 수상-연수연구원 황순규
Scholarship from The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing - Ph.D. candidate Ikgeun Jeon
Prof. Hoon SOHN - Lecture in 2020 Joint Scientific Seminar on Energy Technologies between KAIST and DTU
The technology developed by our lab was designated as the new construction technology No. 880
스마트시티 혁신인재육성사업 학생경진대회 금상 수상 - 박사과정 정준연
스마트시티 혁신인재육성사업 학생경진대회 은상 수상 - 석사과정 김동건
2019 KIBSE Best Paper & Young Engineer Award - Ph.D. Candidate Soonkyu Hwang