번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 | 파일 | 조회수 |
[공지] [NOTICE] Graduate student recruitment | Admin | 2021.06.18 | 19298 | ||
122 | 2022 Teacher's day event | Admin | 2022.05.16 | 1243 | |
121 | [Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed to Zhejiang University | Admin | 2022.04.07 | 531 | |
120 | [Keynote presentation] Prof.Sohn is invited to a Keynote presentation at 8th WCSCM | Admin | 2022.03.02 | 488 | |
119 | [Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as committee member of 국토안전자문위원회 기반시설분과 | Admin | 2022.01.04 | 363 | |
118 | [Appointment] Prof. Sohn has been appointed as a member of KAIST 국가미래전략기술 전책연구소 설립 추진 TF | Admin | 2021.12.21 | 555 | |
117 | Prof. Sohn attended the KTV-KAIST business agreement ceremony. | Admin | 2021.12.10 | 446 | |
116 | Prof. Sohn has presented as a Plenary speaker at ACAM 2021 | Admin | 2021.12.10 | 417 | |
115 | [Forum attendance] 2021 동아 건설부동산 정책포럼 | Admin | 2021.11.22 | 528 | |
114 | Prof.Sohn participated in OPTICSMEET2021 | Admin | 2021.11.10 | 446 | |
113 | [Invited Lecture] Prof.Sohn is invited to a lecture at University of Sydney | Admin | 2021.11.10 | 470 |